Bibliography of the Genesee Region, 1790 to 1990: Results

Entry Number Author Title
2308 "The Mail Comes to Warsaw."
2305 BAILEY, JOHN H. "The Rochester Post Office."
2306 BOWEN, ELI. The United States Post-Office Guide.
6424 FOOTE, GLENN. Rural Mail Route Delivery.
2307 FOREMAN, EDWARD R. Post Offices and Postmasters of Rochester.
6425 KAY, JOHN L. and CHESTER M. SMITH, Jr. New York Postal History: The Post Offices and First Postmasters from 1775 to 1980.
6426 KILBURN, JANICE. Cowlesville Post Office Celebrates 150th Anniversary.
6427 KOBERG, EMMA G. Wayne County Postal History.
2309 PETRI, PITT. The Postal History of Western New York, Its Post Offices, Its Postmasters.
6428 PHILLIPS, DAVID G., editor in chief. American Stampless Cover Catalog. 4th ed.
2310 U.S. CONGRESS. American State Papers... Class VII: Post Office De-partment.
2311 U.S. Laws, Statutes. Public Statutes at Large ..., 1789-1845, ed. Richard Peters. 5 vols.
6429 UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE. Proud to Serve, a History of the United States Postal Service in Rochester, New York, 1812-1984.

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